Financial Advisory

Getting Smart About Savings

Saving money doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are wired to save– for others it takes a bit more discipline. But developing good savings habits can do so much for both your financial wellbeing and your future security. These 7 tips could see you start to change your ways.

Why investing for retirement is different

When you’re still employed and earning a salary, there’s money coming in you can rely on. In retirement, in the absence of a regular salary you’ll need to find a new way to secure enough income to cover your living costs.
Investing your money is one way to make the most of your savings and provide an income in retirement but if you’re expecting savings and investment earnings to help cover your expenses, it’s important to get your strategy right.

Buying an investment property

Buying a rental property is a very popular investment in Australia. For many investors, the appeal of owning an investment property is linked to their familiarity with this asset class – most of us either own or rent a house, apartment or villa. Over time, a quality, well located property could generate long term growth and decent income returns.